Saturday, February 19, 2005

Terri and T-4

Well it seems as if Hitler has found his way to Florida. Even the Nazi's couldn't have done their evil without the permission of Hitler. Mein Kampf never came out and said "I support killing all Jews, all elderly, all handicapped, all mentally ill, etc.... '

Hitler didn't start building death camps on his first day of business. It was a slippery slope, much like the one we are on today in Florida and other states with the death worshipping crowds. Do you know how it is that Hitler was able to gain support for his agendas? I did a little research. I thought I would share this bit of info:

During the same period that Hitler decreed the Rhineland sterilizations, a German medical economist pointed out, in an article entitled 'The Fight Against Degeneration,' that the care of a deaf-mute or cripple cost 6 marks a day, that of a reform school inmate 4.85 marks, and that of a mentally ill or deficient person 4.50 marks. The average earnings of a laborer, on the other hand, were only 2.50 marks, and those of a civil servant 4 marks daily. (The exchange rate at the time was about forty cents -- 2.50 marks to the dollar.) The economist lamented: 'The state spends far more for the existence of these actually worthless compatriots than for the salary of a healthy man, who must bring up a healthy family,' and hinted that it was too bad that a more radical program than sterilization could not be employed.

Then, instead of coming out and just legalizing the killing of these people, he just...............Legalized it. He wrote this on his personal stationary:

Berlin, 1 September 1939
Reichsleiter Bouhler andDr. med. Brandt
are instructed to broaden the powers of physicians designated by name, who will decide whether those who have - as far as can be humanly determined - incurable illnesses can, after the most careful evaluation, be granted a mercy death.
/signed/ Adolf Hitler

Between December 1939 and August 1941, about 50,000 to 60,000 Germans children and adults were secretly killed by lethal injections or in gassing installations designed to look like shower stalls. It was a foretaste of Auschwitz. The victims were taken from the medical institution and put to death....

Never to Forget - New York:HarperCollins, 1976

Did you pick up on that? It was a "foretaste of Auschwitz."
This little "project" became known as T-4.

Of the number of people killed in the T4 and the 14f13 projects, the following statistics are usually given: adult mental patients from institutions, 80,000 to 100,000; children in institutions, 5,000; special action against Jews in institutions, 1,000; concentration camp inmates transported to killing centers (14f13), 20,000 (Klee estimated that at the end of 1941, some 93,521 `beds' had been emptied for other uses [70,000 patients gassed, plus over 20,000 dead through medication] - in other words approximately one-third of the places for the mentally ill.) But these figures may well be too low; twice these numbers of people may have perished. The fact is that we do not know and shall probably never know. Elements of deception, imposed chaos, and the destruction of many records make anything like an accurate estimate impossible.

The same is true concerning the total number of people murdered at specific killing centers. Hartheim victims of both ordinary `euthanasia' and 14f13 are variously estimated from 20,000 (by Dr. Georg Renno, Lonauer's successor as director), to 400,000 (by Franz Ziereis, the former commandant of Mauthausen, on his deathbed); 30,000 is believed to be the best estimate. While these figures may seem unimpressive when placed next to the millions killed in the Final Solution, they represent the murder of shockingly large numbers of peopleall in places characterized as hospitals." (The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide. London: Papermac, 1986 (Reprinted 1990) p. 142).

Have you heard those defending the murder of Terri using the term "mercy?"

The choice of terminology for the program is consistent with the Nazis' penchant for euphemisms. Euthanasia typically means "mercy killing". In the 1990's in the United States and other western nations, it has become synonymous with "physician-assisted suicide."

I know, some of you think it may be obsurd to even begin comparing the above program with Terri's situation. Many of you must think it horribly unfair to equate the brutality of Hitler with Judge Greer and Michael Shiavo. You know what......I agree. After all, the above program was about lethal injections and gassing people and Michael the Monster and Judge the Jerk Greer want to show "mercy" to Terri by STARVING HER TO DEATH FOR 7-10 DAYS!

YOU WIN! HITLER's T-4 program may have been MORE HUMANE!!!

According to Dr. William Burke:

Terri will feel it. She will go into seizures. Her skin will crack, her tongue will crack, her lips will crack. She will have nosebleeds because of the drying of the mucus membranes, and heaving and vomiting might ensue because of the drying out of the stomach lining. She will feel the pangs of hunger and thirst. Imagine going one day without a glass of water! Death by dehydration takes ten to fourteen days. It is an extremely agonizing death.

Dr. Ronald Cranford:

After seven to nine days [from commencing dehydration] they begin to lose all fluids in the body, a lot of fluids in the body. And their blood pressure starts to go down. When their blood pressure goes down, their heart rate goes up . . . . Their respiration may increase and then . . . the blood is shunted to the central part of the body from the periphery of the body. So, that usually two to three days prior to death, sometimes four days, the hands and the feet become extremely cold. They become mottled. That is you look at the hands and they have a bluish appearance. And the mouth dries a great deal, and the eyes dry a great deal and other parts of the body become mottled. And that is because the blood is now so low in the system it's shunted to the heart and other visceral organs and away from the periphery of the body. . . .

Kate's Journey: Triumph over Adversity. Appearing on The O'Reilly Factor, Adamson described the experience of being denied nourishment:

When the feeding tube was turned off for eight days, I thought I was going insane. I was screaming out in my mind, "Don't you know I need to eat?" And even up until that point, I had been having a bagful of Ensure as my nourishment that was going through the feeding tube. At that point, it sounded pretty good. I just wanted something. The fact that I had nothing, the hunger pains overrode every thought I had.

Kate in another interview:

The agony of going without food was a constant pain that lasted not several hours like my operation did, but several days. You have to endure the physical pain and on top of that you have to endure the emotional pain. Your whole body cries out, "Feed me. I am alive and a person, don't let me die, for God's sake! Somebody feed me."

I craved anything to drink. Anything. I obsessively visualized drinking from a huge bottle of orange Gatorade. And I hate orange Gatorade. I did receive lemon flavored mouth swabs to alleviate dryness but they did nothing to slake my desperate thirst.


  • At 12:38 AM, Blogger Chip said…

    This is a real tragedy. Mr. Schaivo should divorce his disabled wife and allow her parents to take guardianship. From what I understand, that would cost him a large sum of insurance money.

    I don't know what can be done. The remedies in Florida courts (the state where electoral laws can be changed at will by the FSC)
    seem to be exhausted. Getting the word out, with effective rhetoric, might be the only option we have.

    In that regard, your comparisons to Hitler and his mass murders, on an intellectual level, are valid. Once we start diminishing the value of human life, it's hard to draw a red line to stop the downward spiral into barbarism and social engineering by death. It's not impossible in the case of the death penalty, which only applies to murderers.

    When one discusses the sick or disabled, deserving of the most protection, the so-called liberals among us lose their so-called concern for the political, moral, humanistic, and legal betterment of mankind. Some downtrodden are more equal than others, I guess.

  • At 10:46 PM, Blogger Mike - said…

    How horrible starvation is. It would be nice if some reporters would have a heart and get this information out to the public.


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